8a88aArena-Lost-PrecipiceOn Sunday, between the hours of 2pm and 4pm we will be claiming the guild hall Lost Precipice. We will need everyone for this mission, if you know of people that can help us feel free to let them know.

  • You will need to own the Hearth of Thorns expansion in order to help us.
  • Preferably lvl 80
  • Gliding and updraft is optional but very helpful to have in the mission.
What is Guild Halls?
Guild halls are areas for guilds to play, battle, socialize, and progress together. It will be our base of operations. More info here.
Lost Precipice.
A hidden canyon refuge on the border between the Maguuma Jungle and the wastelands to the north. Empty cliff dwellings dot the walls of the precipice, and rope bridges connect stone spires of dizzying heights. -Guild Wars 2